Dana Professor of Biology

Phone: 706.290.2149
Fax: 706.238.7855
Email: mcipollini@berry.edu
Website: https://sites.berry.edu/mcipollini/
Dr. Cipollini’s long-term research programs focus on Longleaf pine and American chestnut restoration. In other areas, much of his research has been focused on plant-animal-microbe interactions mediated by secondary chemicals, and on sexual dimorphism and sex ratio variation in dioecious plants. Including research he has led via study abroads in Costa Rica and Cuba, over 130 students have worked with him on a range of lab and field projects. Many students have also gained prescribed burn certification and have assisted with this work on campus as part of the longleaf pine project.
- B.S., M.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- Ph.D. Rutgers University
Teaching Interests
- Principles of Cell Biology
- Principles of Microbiology and Botany
- Forest Ecology
- Field Botany
Research Interests
- Evolutionary ecology,
- Plant reproductive ecology,
- Forest management,
- Plant-animal interactions,
- Frugivory and seed dispersal,
- Ecological biochemistry,
- Physiological ecology,
- Fire ecology,
- Plant pathology,
- Foraging behavior,
- Tropical ecology
- Conservation biology