Go the distance
Do you want to explore other cultures and travel while pursuing a business career? Then you’re in for an exciting journey. Graduates of our program go far in their careers, finding jobs with multi-national corporations, import/export businesses, government and non-government organizations.
With expertise in global industrial, retail, commercial nonprofit and government sectors, our faculty will guide you every step of the way. You’ll complete a dual major, combining a business discipline (accounting, finance, management or marketing) with supplementary coursework (international economics and finance, international marketing and cross-cultural management). Courses in international relations, anthropology or foreign languages will enhance your success.

Professors and mentors invested in your personal and professional development will advise on study abroad programs tailored to your interests. Our partnership with international institutions allows students to build leadership skills, travel and establish contacts.
Business FACULTY

With 13 years as a professor, researcher and college administrator, Dr. Heller teaches health economics, microeconomics and international development. She enjoys using discussion and multimedia course materials to illustrate economic concepts in her classes. Her research interests include data analysis and statistical program evaluation and a wide variety of policy questions and topics in applied microeconomics.

In addition to getting advice from your advisor in the Campbell School of Business, you can explore short-term, summer or semester-long opportunities abroad with Berry’s Office of International Experiences — from academic studies and internships to student exchange programs and community service.
International Business Courses
Global managers face the challenge of leading multicultural, cross-border teams, which requires understanding the impact of cultural values on management functions and processes. Gain an understanding of verbal and non-verbal communication, interpersonal and intergroup relationships, differences in temporal conceptions, culture shock and labor relations.
Trends in globalization, workforce diversity, and social and environmental sustainability shape today’s business environment. Explore these trends in terms of stakeholder engagement as an essential component of corporate leadership and business administration.
This course will prepare you to tackle complex international marketing challenges. Along with theory and research, plus examples of practical solutions, you’ll explore political, legal, economic and cultural considerations that affect the decision-making of international businesses.
International Business LIVES
When Sam Forte ’19 endeavored to integrate a study abroad experience with his commitment to the football team, his faculty advisor stepped in, finding a summer program in Prague. Sam finished in four years with a double major in international business and management — and landed a job as an internal account specialist in the northeastern headquarters of LabCorp.