News & Stories
April 19, 2017

Berry Dedicates New Animal Science Lab

A new 4,600-square-foot Berry College Animal Science Laboratory is now open and promises new opportunities for students.

The facility, located near the Rollins Ruminant Research Center, was dedicated this week and is the first animal science priority funded through LifeReady: The Berry College Campaign for Opportunity. College officials and friends gathered Tuesday for a ribbon cutting ceremony and dedication to the life of the late Dr. Allen Scott, a longtime animal science faculty member whose name now graces the building entrance. 

“Dr. Scott was instrumental to the success to much of what we have here at Berry in the animal science department,” said Berry President Steve Briggs. “We are glad to remember him in this way.” 

Animal Science Professor George Gallagher spoke of Scott’s passion for family, including the Berry students he influenced during his 25 years at Berry and the legacy he left behind. This new laboratory is a prime example of that. Features include a research laboratory with multiple workstations and equipment for preparing samples for study; a large lab with 10 stanchions and other equipment for safely working with cattle; a flexible lab where small-animal pens can be configured as needed; a large storage room; and a veterinary support room. The building also functions as an emergency treatment and surgery center, all but eliminating the need for college veterinarians to treat or perform life-saving procedures in the pasture.    

“This building behind us isn’t just a beautiful building, its opportunity,” said Jennifer Wayman, a senior animal science major from Tampa, Fla. “This is an amazing opportunity to have a safe environment where we can conduct our research, run tests and call a place home.” 

College officials are also raising money for an animal science building that will be adjacent to the McAllister Hall (home to the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences.) More information can be found at:


Written by Public Relations Student Assistant Alexi Bell

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