News & Stories
October 31, 2017

Berry Hosts Georgia Health Care Reform Task Force

Berry College recently hosted Lt. Governor Casey Cagle – along with Sens. Hufstetler, Unterman, Burke, Hill, Kirkpatrick, Rhett and Watson – for this year’s final meeting of Georgia’s Health Care Reform Task Force. The Task Force heard presentations from local, state, and national experts. Members discussed primary and preventative care, workforce development, and addressing challenges faced by both physicians and nurses in providing quality care to patients statewide.

Cagle opened the meeting by outlining his commitment to improving the overall health of Georgians, saying: “If we work together, and bring a truly innovative approach to solving the challenges we face, we will get more Georgia families access to higher quality, affordable care – and strengthen our fight to defeat major threats to our health like the opioid crisis, cancer, and chronic disease.” Cagle concluded by making clear that the Task Force will bring forward bold reforms in January to address the most pressing challenges facing patients: “The path to a more affordable system starts with prevention, strengthening the doctor patient relationship, and taking advantage of technology and medical innovations to make the delivery of quality care less expensive. Ultimately, we must improve the ways we deliver health care to patients across our state – especially in rural Georgia – so that no matter which city, county, or region of our state you call home, you will have access to quality care.”

"Berry College is proud to have hosted this meeting of Lt. Governor Cagle’s Health Care Reform Task Force,"" said President Stephen Briggs. "Preventative care is a vital ingredient for good health at all ages, and all Georgians benefit from a health care system that provides primary care physicians and nurses with the resources needed to serve their patients well.”

Jeff Selberg, Senior Advisor to the Peterson Center on Healthcare commended Cagle and Georgia’s Health Care Reform Task Force for their commitment to improving the coordination of services and embracing innovative solutions, remarking:

“There is tremendous variation in the cost and quality of health care available in communities across states and throughout the nation. Georgia’s Health Care Reform Task Force has an opportunity to learn from the exemplary performance of the most successful primary care practitioners. I have no doubt in my mind that we can reduce costs and improve outcomes if we identify best practices and help practitioners adopt them. I commend Lt. Governor Cagle for his leadership in engaging new partnerships to boldly lead Georgia on a path to reform.”

This was the final public meeting of the Task Force before members reconvene in January 2018 to present recommendations for the upcoming legislative session.  


Written by Public Relations

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