News & Stories
January 13, 2020

Berry College to Host Natural Resource Management Talk

Berry College will host a talk about Atlanta’s water resource management system at 3 p.m Wednesday (Jan. 15) at McAllister Hall auditorium.

Speaker Katherine Zitsch is a board certified environmental engineer with the American Academy of Environmental Engineering. A graduate of Clemson University, Zitsch serves as director of the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District and Manager of Natural Resources with the Atlanta Regional Commission. With more than 20 years of natural resource management experience, her career has included policy development, regional water planning, water and wastewater treatment, water reuse and water conservation initiatives. 

Water management is a critical issue for the Atlanta area. In response to the drought of 2011, Zitsch plans to discuss her work preparing for the next Atlanta water shortage in the face of continued growth in the metro Atlanta area. The talk will also include conversation regarding the socioeconomic impact of water availability in major urban centers.

This event, hosted by the Berry Department of Environmental Science and Studies, is free and open to the public. For more information about Berry’s program, visit


Written by Public Relations Student Assistant Faythe Choate

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