News & Stories
December 17, 2020

Business students succeed in virtual sales

Berry College business students made it rain in a recent virtual sales competition called RNMKRS (rainmakers).   

The Berry College Marketing and Sales team is a group of 11 students with a focus in business and entrepreneurship. The team traditionally competes in sales competitions throughout the year.  During the 2020 virtual sales competition, 2,177 students nationwide competed. The Berry team brought home the following recognitions and awards: 


  • Finishing in the top 10%of all competitors: Carson Gilliam (Roswell, G), Bryce Nethery (Trenton, Ga.), and Loren Kim (Duluth, Ga.) 
  • Finishing in the top 20% of all competitors: Breelan Baxter (Canton, G) and Olivia Nye (Lynchburg, Va.) 
  • Top School Performer: Kim 
  • Most Practice Role Plays: Erika Sprecher (Marietta, G) 
  • Top Student in the Southeast: Kim 
  • Coaches award: Best in Class on-boarding –engagement:  Assistant Professor of Marketing Melissa Clark


The training leads to a world-wide sales competition where students are recognized for their skills. Afterward, employers like Dell, Gartner, Herc Rentals, Tom James and Techtronic Industries hand select students for jobs.  

“The purpose of the team is to sharpen skills, build resumes, assist in career placement, win competitions, and grow the overall character of the student,” Clark said.  

To learn more about the Campbell School of Business, visit



Written by Public Relations Student Assistant Faythe Choate 

Office of Public Relations