News & Stories
September 15, 2022

Berry College Tackles Nursing Shortage

In an effort to help solve the nursing shortage crisis, Berry College plans to double its number of nursing graduates. To that end, an Atlanta philanthropist has donated $5 million for nursing scholarships at Berry, and the college has recruited a top leader to direct its growing program.  

“We really have to meet the growing need for nurses,” she said. “I hope to take an already stellar program, with a solid reputation for producing quality nurses, and expand our size, scope and depth.” 

In addition to growing the program, Reilly and her team are developing a fast-track program for students entering with dual/ AP credit from high school to allow for completion with a BSN a full semester early. Beyond receiving over 650 hours of direct clinical care, signature to the nursing program at Berry is a summer immersion for students between their junior and senior years in which they experience clinical nursing care in developing nations. Africa is on tap for 2023. 

Office of Public Relations

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