News & Stories
Emilee Burroughs
April 7, 2017

Emilee Burroughs makes her dream of making a magazine come true

Emilee Burroughs (17c) has dreamed of creating a Christ-centered, fashion-forward, body-positive magazine since she was in high school. Thanks to Berry’s focus on entrepreneurship, she’s made that dream a reality! 

Anointed launched on January 1, 2016 and is five issues in with a sixth on the way. The skills she gained in her communication major paired with classes in management allowed her to create a plan for Anointed with business partner Rob Himmelwright (18c).

Dr. Paula Englis, professor of management, encouraged the magazine’s start and Emilee took it all the way to publication—focusing on teen girls looking for a positive, uplifting message to encourage them in their daily lives.

Emilee is now a senior looking to focus full-time on her business and expand it after graduation. She has plans to return to campus in the future to participate in Berry’s MBA program.

“Berry is an exceptional school that gave me the confidence and skills I need to pursue my dreams,” Emilee says.

staff writer