News & Stories
June 9, 2017

2014 grad finds true path working at Mount Vernon

Haley Fortune (14C) has found her true path working at George Washington’s historic home, Mount Vernon.

Haley always wanted to work in museums and when she learned Berry had a museum and archive on campus, she was sold! By participating in Berry’s premier Work Experience Program she worked at the Oak Hill and Martha Berry Museum and the Martha Berry Digital Archives. 

This passion for curating the past led her to graduate from Berry with a degree in history before going on to study visual arts management and curating at Richmond, the American International University in London. After graduating with her masters, she worked in museums in London and Washington D.C.

Now at Mount Vernon she has the opportunity to share her passion with others by working in historical interpretation and youth and family programs.

Haley credits much of her success to her time at Berry: “Not only does Berry help its students gain experience through the work program, but Berry also offers a very well-rounded liberal arts education, which is so important in this new world where a diverse skill set is what sets you apart.”

staff writer

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