News & Stories
Hannah Marr
September 27, 2017

Internship with L.L. Bean sparks love for software development

Mathematics major Hannah Marr (18c) headed to Maine this past summer for a software development internship with legendary outdoors retailer L.L. Bean. As a result of her finance team internship, L.L. Bean is continuing to use software tests that Hannah built. 

“I love being given a problem and expected to find a solution to it,” she said. The senior from Hendersonville, N.C., continues to share her knowledge as general manager for Berry’s Viking Math Tutoring, a student enterprise that offers math-tutoring services to the Rome City and Floyd County schools.

After graduation, she plans to pursue a career in software development and deepen her knowledge about building workspaces, working with servers and programming languages, and developing applications.

“Berry has connected me with a variety of people who have encouraged me in my journey and prepared me for life after college,” she said.

student social media assistant Saif Sarfani