News & Stories
July 6, 2018

A transfer to Berry leads to a home in the swim team

For 2018 grad Julie Brophy, Berry was nothing but welcoming. When Julie transferred to Berry in her sophomore year, the campus quickly became a second home to her. 

“Berry has made a difference in my life from day one,” says Julie. She believes that her experiences as part of the Berry Swim Team helped shape who she is today. “When I transferred to Berry, the swim team was extremely welcoming and made the transition easy. I am so grateful I had the chance to swim with them during my time here.”

Julie also found a home in the Political Science department. After changing her major in her junior year, Julie faced several semesters of intense work to graduate on time. “The professors welcomed me into the program and helped me succeed every semester,” she says. “They motivated me every day. I was excited to go to class.”

Beyond Berry, Julie has plans to teach either government or social studies.

student social media assistant Shannon Rainey