News & Stories
May 10, 2019

Persistence was the only constant in her journey to graduation

Erin Stewart was a non-traditional Berry student who finally reached her goal after persisting through many setbacks.

Erin, who is 28 and married, graduated in May 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in English and Secondary Education. Before coming to Berry, she attended several different colleges and changed her major.

“Berry was the last school I attended to try and figure out my calling in life,” Erin says. “The process of transferring here and beginning work as an Ed/English major was such a breeze and the faculty made me truly feel welcomed and encouraged me to succeed.”

While at Berry, Erin worked in the library on campus in addition to a fulltime job off-campus. She won the Pendley English Teaching Award and was nominated for the Daughters of Berry Legacy Award. She said she found support and community while at Berry.

“Dr. Christopher Diller in the English Department was my rock while I was at Berry. He was not only my English advisor, but also my go-to person any time I was dealing with a problem, a stressful situation, or needed to celebrate an achievement,” Erin says. “He has been incredibly supportive, as has the entire English department.”

Erin will teach American Literature at Rome High School this fall, and she hopes to pursue a master’s degree in the near future.

“It has been a long road, but it has been so worth it. To end my undergraduate career at a place like Berry is an absolute dream, and I am so grateful for all of the opportunities Berry has given me!”

senior Megan Benoit

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