The World's Largest Campus

With 27,000 acres of forests and meadows, Berry College offers its students and faculty unparalleled opportunities for learning and recreation. "Sustainability" is not a buzzword at Berry; it is reflected in Berry’s commitment to protect and enhance historic structures, the expansive land resources and to ensure that new construction meets the highest standards.

This commitment also includes:

  • Programs for recycling, water management and energy utilization
  • Forestry management and an increased emphasis on local agriculture including student-run enterprises with dairy and beef cattle, vegetable garden and herbs
  • Research and hands-on learning, led by professors, to protect and re-introduce the long-leaf pine and American Chestnut trees
  • LEED-gold certified Morgan and Deerfield Residence Halls
  • Almost 100 miles of hiking, bicycling, running and horseback riding trails open to the campus and the community

Berry has earned a reputation as one of the finest undergraduate programs for students majoring in animal science or pre-veterinary programs. Students work directly with our Angus and Jersey herds, sheep and horses to gain invaluable "large animal" experience, generally not available at the undergraduate level. And, with the bountiful wildlife, rare plants and water features, Berry is a perfect environment for students who want to work with faculty or design their own research projects.

The hallmark of a Berry education is the opportunity for students, regardless of family income, to work every semester during their four years at the college. More than 95 percent of students choose to work during their time at Berry, and they graduate with a strong work ethic and amazing portfolios of experience.

Berry’s purpose is "to graduate students who strive to improve the communities where they live and work." Their brief four years on the World’s Largest Campus provide them with an appreciation for nature along with opportunities to lead the next generation in stewarding and caring for the world.

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