Student Career Development

Whether you are just beginning to plan your career journey, or you are ready to set out, Berry’s Career Development Network is here to help. We know the road ahead may seem long, unknown, and maybe a little intimidating, but we also know that your career journey is one that will take you to amazing places.  Yes, that is places, plural. Did you know that the average number of jobs held by workers before retirement in the US is currently between 10-14 (BLS, 2019).  It’s true! This means that your career journey is likely a multi-city tour, and you will probably find yourself in some places you never imagined and other places that may seem very familiar.  This also means that our job is to help prepare you, not just for your first job, but to successfully navigate a career journey (and workforce landscape) that will be constantly evolving.

So, where are you in your career development process?  What questions do you have right now? Let us help you put it all together and envision the kind of life and career you most want design.  Choose from the options below for some resources and strategies that can help you navigate the next step(s) in your personal and professional journey.

Start Your Journey Here
