Cultural Events

The Cultural Events program is designed to expose students to events that faculty and administration believe best represent the literary, philosophical, and performing arts traditions for which Berry as an institution is responsible; to provide students an opportunity to make contact with the issues and personalities of contemporary America as well as cross-cultural public discussion; and to enable students to participate as fully as possible in the intellectual and spiritual tradition of Berry College.

Berry College inspires and prepares our students to be enduring seekers of knowledge and engaged participants in their communities. The Cultural Events Program will promote students’ intellectual curiosity and cultural awareness by hosting a variety of events, led by experts, designed to help students:

  • recognize the interconnectedness of diverse disciplines and challenge them to consider multiple points of view, 
  • appreciate fine arts and literary works, the context in which they were produced, and the importance of creativity, 
  • understand and reflect on key issues that our community, nation, and world face.


The Cultural Events program at Berry requires that undergraduate students attend an average of three credited events per semester (total of 24) in residence. To be credited, events must have an academic purpose: they must be recommended by an academic department or and administrative office of the institution.

Application Deadline

Applications are due by the 20th of each month during the regular academic year.