Academics Abroad

Studying abroad is an academically enriching experience, and it takes careful planning to make sure studying abroad fits into students' four-year plans. International Experiences is here to help students through this process. Below is important information about the course approval and transcript evaluation process based on program type.

SIP Classes

  • Since SIPs are Berry classes, there is no transfer of credit.
  • Check with each SIP to see if it could fulfill a major, minor, and/or Foundations requirement.

Affiliated summer & semester programs

Grades and Credits

  • The grades students receive abroad will be factored into their GPA. The grades will be converted into the US grading scale before coming back to their Berry record.
  • Universities around the world use different credit systems, and the credits will be converted into the US credit system before coming back to students' Berry record.
  • Semester students must take at least the equivalent 12 U.S. credits while abroad to maintain full-time status and financial aid eligibility.
  • If you take over 18 credits during the semester, you will receive an additional tuition charge.

How Classes Count at Berry

  • As part of the application process, students will complete a course pre-approval form so that before they go abroad, they will know exactly how the classes can count at Berry.
  • All classes can come back as general elective credit by default, and can count as credits toward graduation.
  • Students will work with their advisor, department chair, and dean to determine how classes can count for their major and/or minor.
  • Provost approval is required for approving a study abroad classes as a Foundations requirement
  • If students change classes while abroad, they can get course approvals via email.

Study Abroad Placeholder Class

  • All students will enroll in STA 305 for the summer or semester they are abroad.
    • For summer students, this placeholder class will be for the number of credits you will take abroad.
    • For semester students, this placeholder class is 12 credits, regardless of how many credits you take abroad.
  • Once transcripts are received, this placeholder class will be dropped and replaced with the grades/credits taken abroad.

Transcript Evaluation Process

  • All classes taken or attempted abroad will be included on your Berry transcript and factored into your GPA.
  • International Experiences usually receives transcripts one to two months after the program ends, though it can sometimes take longer. Berry has no control over when transcripts arrive.
    • If you are planning on graduating the semester after your study abroad experience, there is a chance the transcripts could not arrive in time, which would push back your graduation date.
  • Students will be notified when their transcript comes in, and a copy of it will be uploaded to their Berry Abroad application.
  • If the classes on the transcript match the course pre-approval form, the documents will be sent to the Registrar’s Office to be added to the student’s record.
  • If there are classes on the transcript that were not pre-approved, the student will be notified by International Experiences about getting approval for those classes.
  • Once your classes have been posted, it is important that you review your degree audit to double check that everything came back as you anticipated.

Transient (non-affiliated programs)

Transient Grades and Credits

  • Grades received on transient programs will not be factored into your GPA.
  • Universities around the world use different credit systems, and the credits will be converted into the US credit system before coming back to your Berry record.
  • Semester students must take at least the equivalent 12 U.S. credits while abroad to maintain full-time status.

Transient Course Approval

  • As part of the Berry transient application, students will complete a transient pre-approval form to get approval for how the classes can count at Berry.
  • Keep in mind that transient classes do not count as being “in-residence.” Please check with your advisor and refer to the Berry catalog for more information about the in-residence requirements.

Transient Transcript Evaluation Process

  • International Experiences usually receives transcripts one to two months after the program ends, though it can sometimes take longer. Berry has no control over when transcripts arrive.
    • If you are planning on graduating the semester after your study abroad experience, there is a chance the transcripts could not arrive in time, which would push back your graduation date.
  • Students will be notified when their transcript comes in, and a copy of it will be uploaded to their Berry Abroad application.
  • If the classes on the transcript match the transient pre-approval form, the documents will be sent to the Registrar’s Office to be added to the student’s record.
  • If there are classes on the transcript that were not pre-approved, the student will be notified by International Experiences about getting approval for those classes.
  • Once your classes have been posted, it is important that you review your degree audit to double check that everything came back as you anticipated.

Registering for classes at berry for the next semester

Semester study abroad students will register for classes for their next semester while they are still abroad. There are some steps to follow to make sure your course registration is as smooth as possible.

  • Email your advisor during pre-registration week to be cleared for registration and to discuss your class choices for the next semester.
  • Check the email from the Registrar’s Office that indicates your registration window.
    • Your registration window will be based on the Eastern time zone, so you will need to make sure you convert that time into your local time. This may mean you could wind up registering late at night or early in the morning.