Animal Science Student Organizations

Student Activities

Berry College Student Activities website

Student Activities at Berry is more than just social events, club meetings, and building one’s resume. We strive to provide opportunities for you to become an active member of our community. There are many activities available for you to enjoy and explore, which in turn compliment your overall education. In other words, we want you to get involved in campus life so that you will get the most out of your college experience! 

The Department of Animal Science sponsors several clubs that will allow you to get acquainted with students with interests similar to yours. The clubs provide fun, fellowship, educational opportunities, and the opportunity to perform community service.

Alpha Zeta

National Alpha Zeta website

This organization is a chapter of the Fraternity of Alpha Zeta. Its purposes are to foster high standards of scholarship, character, leadership, and a spirit of fellowship among members. Additionally, this organization renders service to students at Berry College and promotes the profession of agriculture. Membership is open to students, faculty, and staff with appropriate qualifications.

Block and Bridle

National Block and Bridle website

The purpose of the Berry College Chapter of the Block and Bridle organization is to promote a high scholastic standard among the students of animal science, to promote animal science, and to bring about a closer relationship among all students pursuing some aspect of animal science as a profession or interest. In addition to hosting numerous events and service projects, the club often travels to the Block and Bridle National Conference each year.


National FFA Website

The purpose of the Berry College FFA Club is to enhance the collegiate experience with agriculture through service and engagement to create premier leaders, enable personal growth, and ensure career success. This organization hosts guest speakers, provides service to the community, and maintains relationships with local high school FFA chapters. Membership is open to all students with an interest in agriculture.

Pre-Vet Club

National American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association website

The Pre-Vet Club allows students interested in veterinary medicine as a career to interact with each other and provides an opportunity to gain information and experiences relevant to veterinary medicine. In addition to hosting guest speakers, the group is active in promoting animals and veterinary medicine in the community and also travels to the annual American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association Symposium.