Field Experience and Student Teaching

The Berry College Teacher Education Program offers extensive opportunities for field experience beginning the student’s sophomore year and culminating with student teaching during the senior year. Berry partners with local public and private schools, for field placement. Teacher Education Students are placed in the classrooms with expert teachers where they are able to practice and sharpen the skills they have learned in their college classes in a real school setting.

Berry Teacher Education Students must be issued a Pre-Service Teaching Certificate by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission prior to enrolling in any EDU classes that require field experience or student teaching. In order to obtain the GAPSC Pre-Service Certificate, students must complete the following steps:

  1. Be accepted to the Berry College Teacher Education Program
  2. Apply for a Pre-Service Certificate through the student’s MyPSC account,
  3. Complete a Verification of Lawful Prescience form in person, in Cook 221.

Field Experience*

Several EDU classes have field experience requirements that range from 3 hours per semester to 35 hours per semester. Most students are able to complete field experience in five different school settings. The Coordinator of Field Experience and Student Teaching works to place students in P-12 classrooms at local public and private schools, generally within a 30-mile radius. Students do not have input on placements. Berry ensures that students are placed in a variety of settings including rural and urban, classes with English Language Learners, and classes with Exceptional children.

Field Experience Handbook

Student Teaching*

Student teaching is the culmination of Berry’s Teacher Education Program. It is recommended that students participate in two semesters of student teaching. For Elementary Education majors, semester one consists of 210 contact hours. For Secondary and P-12 Education majors, semester one consists of 154 contact hours. Semester two for all majors consists of 350 contact hours. An application for Student Teaching is required during the spring semester of junior year.

Student Teacher Handbook

*Berry Students must also pass a background check and provide proof of professional liability insurance at the beginning of each year prior to field experience or student teaching.