Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I join TRIO SSS?

Whether you’re looking for an academic support system to perform at your best, or just want a personal college “safety net,” TRIO will work with you from freshman year through graduation. The program can help you build your strengths and address your areas of concern so that you get the most out of your time at Berry and beyond.

Does it cost money to join?

All TRIO services are free to the student!

If I join, what am I required to do?

Once you’re accepted into the program, we ask that you:

  1. Take an initial academic assessment and meet with our staff to discuss the results
  2. Participate in activities designed to help you set and reach your academic goals
  3. Engage in our financial literacy opportunities at least once a year.

Bottom line: we want TRIO to support you without becoming another thing on your already long to-do list.

How much time does it take to participate in the program?

This is up to you – it can take as little as one hour each month or several hours each week. You decide which services to utilize. Whether it’s a quick question about where to find something on campus, a long chat about how to decide on a major or a weekly check-in about a class that’s giving you trouble – we want you to decide how TRIO can best serve your goals.

Does completing the TRIO application qualify me for a scholarship?

Completing our application is the first step! We will have financial aid experts review your particular situation and let you know if you are eligible for grant aid of $1500 a year..