News & Stories
October 26, 2016

Art Exhibit Opens Monday

A group art exhibit, “Embodiment”, opens Monday (Oct. 31) in the Moon Gallery at Berry College.  

“Embodiment” includes work from ceramic and mixed media artist Alex Kraft, photographer Rachel Eliza Griffiths, portrait artist Sandra Reed, photographer Catherine DeMeritt and multi-medium artist Rachel Wright. Each featured artist alludes to the idea of exemplifying specific traits that make us each human using ceramics, drawing, photography and fashion.  

There will be two artist talks during the exhibition. DeMeritt will speak about her black and white photographic portrayal of “groups of people who reside in the shadows but whose strength and perseverance should be celebrated,” at 5 p.m. Nov. 1. Kraft will discuss her idiosyncratic beings she has created out of clay at 5 p.m. Nov. 7.  

The exhibit and talks are free and open to the public. For information about Berry College's art program:


Written by Public Relations Student Alexi Bell

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