News & Stories
February 28, 2017

Lyrical Poet to Read at Berry

Lyrical poet Ann Fisher-Wirth will read excerpts from her work at 7:30 p.m. Thursday (March 2) in the Berry College Chapel.  

This event is free and open to the public. Fisher-Wirth will read from her fourth book of poems, “Dream Cabinet.” Her other books of poems are “Carta Marina”, “Blue Window” and “Five Terraces.” Her poems have received numerous awards, including a “Malahat Review” Long Poem Prize, the Rita Dove Poetry Award, the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Poetry Award and more.  

Fisher-Wirth earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Pomona College, a master’s degree and a doctorate in English and American literature from Claremont Graduate School.  She is now Professor of English at the University of Mississippi, where she teaches creative writing and 20th century American literature and directs the minor in Environmental Studies. 


Written by Public Relations

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