Berry Outdoor Leadership Development (BOLD)

As an arm of the Berry College Office of Student Affairs, the Berry Outdoor Leadership Development (BOLD) program strives to provide opportunities that challenge the head, the heart and the hands through experiential activities. The focus is to impact lives by attempting to unleash the personal and team potential through group interaction and leadership development.

About BOLD

The Berry Outdoor Leadership Development (BOLD) Program provides teambuilding and adventure challenges for college and community groups. BOLD has been active for over 40 years, using its own brand of experiential learning to foster leadership and teamwork in thousands of groups.

BOLD programs combine hands-on challenges with everyday circumstances. Staff members work closely and creatively with clients to accomplish the group’s goals and objectives within their schedule and budget.  

The BOLD challenge course is an experiential learning tool that can be used to focus in on a number of interpersonal and intrapersonal principles. BOLD operates with a challenge by choice philosophy, encouraging individuals to challenge themselves and challenge each other while respecting personal choice, freedom, and empowerment. While BOLD experiences are facilitated to the highest safety standard and to the end of learning new things, every BOLD program is characterized by fun and adventure.

Our challenge course consists of low elements, which are cabled and wooden structures approximately 3 feet from the ground, and high elements, which elevate participants to heights of over 30 feet on trees, poles, cables, and platforms.  All structures are maintained and inspected regularly and facilitated by qualified staff.  The BOLD program strives to be compliant with Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) international standards. 

BOLD serves student groups, campus organizations, departmental and office staff groups, sports teams, work teams, and other organizations in the Berry College and surrounding community.  Our program can use the high and low challenge course, various outdoor and indoor spaces on Berry’s expansive campus, and can even come to your location to facilitate group development experiences.  BOLD, as a part of Berry College Recreation, can also compliment challenge course experiences with extended outdoor adventure activities to give you a unique experience and accomplish your team development goals. 

BOLD Programs

Below are our most common program arrangements, but BOLD is willing to work within whatever time constraints you have (whether it’s one hour or one week) and will work with you to determine the best program for your group and goals to deliver the best hands-on adventure learning experience possible.

Our team will conduct a needs assessment to custom design a program to meet the needs and goals of your group. For additional questions and to start planning your program contact us at 706.238.7806 or email at

Some principles a BOLD program can highlight include: 

  • Teamwork
  • Trust
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Team bonding through share challenges, fun, and adventure experience
  • Overcoming challenges
  • Leadership development

Two-Hour Energizer

A short session of high-energy challenges can create a more welcoming setting, break down barriers, and stimulate more open and honest conversation. BOLD staff members can facilitate a short program to accomplish these goals and more. We can come to your meeting or welcome you on our challenge course for a session almost any time of day or week.

Half-Day Challenge (3.5 Hours)

While all challenges require the imagination and cooperation of every participant, the real challenge lies in the communication skills and confidence of the team. The aim is to maximize the group's experience for total effectiveness. The agenda includes team building initiatives, low element challenges, and one high element event. BOLD’s half-day program is designed to meet the specific needs of every group that participates.

Three-Quarter-Day Experience (5.5 Hours)

This program is designed to incorporate the Group Development Initiative activities so they complement each other during a more involved team development experience. The Team Building Challenge consists of 'fixed' elements ranging from 6 inches to 14 feet off the ground. This is an excellent intermediate step between the Group Development Initiative and the Elevated Adventure.

The day’s intensity builds on the Group Development Initiative by incorporating 2-3 high element challenges. Also included is a meal, to be delivered half way through the experience.

Full Day Adventure (7.5 Hours)

An Elevated Learning Adventure builds on the activities that take place during the Team Building Challenge. Time allows for more high element experiences anywhere from thirty feet to fifty feet above the ground. The program is meant to be a continuation of the Group Development Initiative and Team Building Challenge, using teamwork and trust skills learned while experiencing earlier program components. The high elements also require problem-solving skills, decision-making, and confidence in yourself and your team. Furthermore, before leaving the ground, each person is carefully oriented in the appropriate operation of the equipment.

The day’s schedule builds on the initiatives and team building challenge components in a way to prepare participants for high element challenges. A meal is included and delivered at the halfway point in the day to allow for reflection, social time, and refueling.

BOLD Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)