Resident Assistants

Position Overview

Resident Assistants are a team of returning students who live and work in the residence halls. They work with Head Residents, Community Coordinators, and other staff in the Office of Residence Life to develop programs and provide resources for students. Resident Assistants live in proximity to those residents assigned to him/her. Resident Assistants are selected for their academic proficiency, involvement in extracurricular activities, concern for the welfare of fellow students, and maturity to cope with the demands of their role. They are trained to be sensitive to the academic, social, and emotional development of college students.  Furthermore, their training makes them knowledgeable about college resources available to support their residents. 


Resident Assistants are expected to – 

  • Know every resident within his/her assigned area.
  • Provide residents opportunities for social interactions through hall programs.
  • Be knowledgeable about campus resources that can support residents.
  • Be thoroughly familiar with all college and residence hall regulations and policies (Viking Code) and be responsible for their enforcement in the residence halls.
  • Staff the RA desks in the residence halls.
  • Serve in an on call rotation, including during College breaks

Application Process

Resident Assistant applications are available by the end of November on our housing portal software. A completed application including essays and references is due by the end of January. Resident Assistant interviews occur in early February. All Resident Assistant candidates participate in one-on-one interviews with Head Residents or Area Coordinators. The Director, Area Coordinators and Head Residents make hiring and placement decisions in mid-February. Once those decisions have been made, position decision letters are sent via email, and candidates are given a week or more to accept or decline the position and indicate a preferred roommate/suitemate for their assigned space. All RAs for the upcoming year are required to attend a Spring RA Kickoff in April.


November 18, 2024 RA Application available on the housing portal

January 24. 2025 RA Applications due at 8 a.m.

February 1, 2025 RA Interviews

February 7, 2025 Offer letters sent out by email