McAllister Hall Exhibitions

Foucault Pendulum

In the atrium, suspended from the ceiling at a height of 60 feet, is a Foucault pendulum, given in memory of Henry C. Berry, Martha Berry's nephew, by his wife and daughter. The pendulum, named for Jean Bernard Foucault, its inventor, is designed to demonstrate the rotation of the earth and traces its path in sand. While it may seem that the 250-lb. brass ball is moving, it is actually the earth moving beneath the ball that creates this effect. 

Iwahashi’s Stunning Photographic Art Exhibit

McAllister Hall also exhibits the exquisite photographic art of Mr. Takashi Iwahashi, Japan’s foremost nature photographer. Many of the 77 large-scale panoramic prints from his collection, The Rockies: From Alaska to Mexico, are displayed inside the building. These are among the more than 100,000 photographs that Mr. Iwahashi captured on film during the late 1980s and early 1990s. “The Rockies” collection previously toured the United States and was at Fernbank Museum for several years before being housed at Berry in 2006.

The Irene and Dewey Large Museum

Irene and Dewey Large met as students at Berry College. Through the generosity of Irene and Dewey Large, and continued support from the Large family, the Irene and Dewey Large Museum was established in 2017. The museum exhibits bring the fascination and history of science to Berry College students as well as to the many visitors to the college, including the many groups of elementary and middle school kids that pass through the campus each year.