Interfaith Council

The Interfaith Council (IFC) is a group of faculty and students who work closely with a number of departments on campus to help foster a welcoming environment at Berry College for people of all faiths.   Located in East Mary 100, the room is open to any individual or group at Berry or in the Rome community interested in having a service or program of religious nature. The room is always open, and the Interfaith Council encourages students and faculty to feel free to use it to their advantage

The IFC supports and promotes opportunities for people to learn about and participate in a variety of religious opportunities, both on campus and in the surrounding community. 

Interfaith Council Resolution on Diversity and Inclusion

Our History

Berry College was founded in 1902 by the Christian visionary and philanthropist Martha Berry who believed that every student is entitled to an equal opportunity to learn. While Berry is rooted in and continues to uphold strong Christian values, the College upholds that people of all religious and cultural backgrounds are to be welcomed into the campus community.

Following in the steps of the Parliament for the World’s Religions, and Martha Berry’s vision for equal education for all, Berry College founded its own small organization for the support of different religions during the fall of 2003.

The Interfaith Council seeks to foster an appreciation of multi-faith awareness on Berry’s campus and throughout the Rome area with events and guest speakers.

Over the years the Berry Interfaith Council has sought to partner with other interfaith organization like the Interfaith Youth Corp, led by Eboo Patel. Click here for a link to the IFYC homepage.

Real changes in times of apocalypse flyer
Real Changes in Times of Apocalypse

Interfaith Resources

Contact Us

Dr. Jeffrey Lidke
Professor of Religion and Philosophy

Dr. Jonathan Huggins
Chaplain, Adjunct Professor of Religion

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