
The Thomas B. Dixson Family Memorial Fund

This Scholarship Fund was created by the will of Thomas B. Dixson in memory of his family. Mr. Dixson was a long-time resident of Winston-Salem, N.C. and wished to provide scholarships for the training of young people interested in carrying on the work of any Christian denomination.

Scholarships are made each year to worthy juniors or seniors at Berry College or alumni who either plan to or are currently engaged in further education at a theological seminary. Applicants should be persons of high character, determination and purpose, both secular and religious. Average or below average students may qualify and undue weight will not be given to high grades, athletic ability, areas outside their proposed field of study, or to testing procedures or examinations. Recipients will be required to earn some part of their expenses and their financial need will be considered. Preference will be given to those who evidence an intention to prepare for the Ministry or to do some form of work in Christian education.

Awards will be made by the Trustees based upon recommendations from the Berry College Financial Aid Office. The school will accept all applications and conduct personal interviews. Renewal scholarships may be granted if the recipient evidences appreciation of the award and shows intent to make good use of it. The Trustees will determine the amount of each scholarship and the manner in which each shall be paid.

  • The scholarship is available to current and former Berry students. 
  • Current Berry junior and seniors can apply if they know that they will be going to seminary as early as Junior year. In this case, funds can be deferred. 
  • If an alumni is already in seminar or if they have been accepted, after completing a W-9 post-offer, the funds will be transferred directly to their institution. 

Thomas B. Dixson scholarship form

Applications are due annually on March 31st. You must reapply for each academic year. Please submit applications by emailing them to