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Department of Animal Science
Dr. Amy Abrams is a Rumen Microbiologist with interests in the interactions of the rumen microbial communities and the development of the rumen microbiome as it relates to host animal health, performance, and management in various species.
View Full Bio & CVDr. Dawn Bresnahan is a reproductive physiologist interested in the interactions between maternal body condition and reproduction and development of assisted reproductive technology in various species with application to endangered wildlife.
View Full Bio & CVMiranda Knight is a veterinarian serving in an instructional role and mentoring students interested in careers associated with animal science and veterinary medicine.
View Full Bio & CVDr. Judy Wilson has training and experience in equine exercise physiology with a primary interest in muscular responses to acute and chronic exercise. At Berry College, her research focus has been amino acid metabolism in horses of different ages and physiologic status.
View Full Bio & CV