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Department of Marketing
Dr. Englis serves as the chair of the Management and Marketing Department. He is a psychologist who has taught consumer behavior, marketing strategy, principles of marketing and related subjects. Dr. Englis’ current research focuses on consumer psychology, product and brand symbolism, and the role of imagination in entrepreneurship and innovation. With an active consulting practice in consumer product innovation as well as intellectual property law, Dr. Englis has been accepted in federal court as an expert in marketing, branding and survey research methodology.
View Full Bio & CVSamantha Nazione teaches public relations courses, as well as a special rhetoric and public address section for future health care providers in the Communication Department at Berry College. Her research focuses on persuasion in the context of health.
View Full Bio & CVDr. Vredeveld’s research is focused on consumer behavior, with particular emphasis on brand consumption. She is especially interested in how brands are used as part of experiences and interpersonal relationships and how consumers moralize their brand consumption.
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